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In order to learn as much as possible, we must work together to maintain a safe, organized classroom. This classroom has 3 rules.

Rule #1: Respect each other, yourself, and the room

Rule #2: Wait your turn to talk

Rule #3: Ask to leave the room

In addition to our classroom rules, students are expected to follow

all FMS policies.

Required Materials: pencil or pen, 3-ring binder (students will store these in the classroom), basic calculator (not on your phone). Sometimes I will ask students to bring colored pencils/markers if they have them.

Assignments: Information about daily work, projects, and upcoming exams is posted on the class website Please reference this site before asking about makeup work. I am happy to help you catch up, but ask that you approach me please outside of class time.

Turning in Work: Work should be placed in the appropriate turn in bin (located on the counter).

Makeup & Late Work: Students with excused absences will have additional days to complete work for each excused day. Students’ goal should be to complete work thoroughly and with full understanding. I know that students do this at different paces. Please talk to me if you are struggling to get classwork in on time.

Cheating: Students must avoid cheating, as well as the appearance of cheating (talking during tests, eyes on another student’s paper, cell phone out…).